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Roman Catholic archbishop; celebrated author and TV evangelist. (Personal title of Archbishop) New York; bishop of Rochester, NY.  President of the National Society for the Propagation of the Faith. During the 1950s-60s, Sheen's TV show "Life Is Worth Living," enjoyed a larger audience than "The Milton Berle Show".


ISP - Inscribed Signed Photograph: 8"x10" black/white glossy closeup head shot. On the lower white mount, Archbishop Sheen has penned:  To My Esteemed Brother in Christ, Bishop Earl G. Hunt, Jr., With The Cordial Gratitude of Fulton J. Sheen.


NOTA BENE:  Autograph photo accompanied by 1967 Typewritten Letter Signed obviously dictated by Archbishop Sheen but signed in his absence by a secretary.  Reads:  I have received your gracious wire asking me to participate in the 1968 Spring sessions at High Point, North Carolina.  I am deeply honored by this invitation, which betokens Christian unity, and would very much like to accept. I am obliged to leave now for Rome to attend the Synod, and I therefore cannot make any immediate preparations.  However, I will consider the invitation a little later, and if at all possible, I will accept.


Earl Gladstone Hunt, Jr. (1918-2005) received 11 honorary degrees from various colleges and universities. He was a popular radio and television preacher and lecturer and a trustee of numerous institutions. Ordained in The United Methodist Church in 1944, he served pastorates in Georgia and Tennessee from 1942 to 1956. Hunt began his pastoral ministry in the Holston Conference where he served pastorates in Kingsport, Chattanooga, and Morristown, Tennessee, where in 1952 he was named "Young Man of the Year". His local church pastorate was interrupted in 1960 by his election to the presidency of Emory and Henry College where he built a strong faculty, increased the endowment and expanded the physical facilities. In 1964, the Southeastern Jurisdiction elected Earl Hunt to the episcopacy, one of the youngest bishops in Methodism, and was assigned to the Charlotte, North Carolina Area. In an exceptional term of twelve years, his courageous ministry led him to appoint the first African-American to the district superintendency in the Southeastern Jurisdiction and to organize a Lay Advisory Council. In 1976, the Hunts were appointed to the important Nashville Area where several of Methodism’s general agencies are located. Here he began another Ministry - writing. He had previously edited the book, Storms and Starlight, a volume of messages written by our bishops on the Holy Spirit. In Nashville, he wrote I Have Believed, which was followed by A Bishop Speaks His Mind, Recovering The Sacred, and the Denman Lectures, Evangelism For A New Century. At the time of his death, he was finishing his last book entitled, An Open Door. In 1980, the Hunts were sent to the Florida Area. While in Florida, he was given one of the most important assignments of his lifetime to chair the Committee on Our Theological Task. Though he was assisted by a distinguished group of theologians, the document adopted by the General Conference in 1988 bears the unmistakable mark of his own incisive style. This doctrinal statement still comprises Part II of The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church. Bishop Hunt served as president of the Council of Bishops of The United Methodist Church from 1987-88. He was chairperson of the General Committee on Family Life of the Methodist Church from 1965-1972. He served as president of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry from1984-1988. A member of the governing board of the National Council of Churches for twelve years, he served also for 10 years on the executive committee of the World Methodist Council and was awarded the World Methodist Chair of Honor in 1988. He was a preacher on the Methodist Series of The Protestant Hour, a nationwide radio program and the author of many articles on education and religion. His sermons and essays have appeared in numerous anthologies. Bishop Hunt served as a trustee of ten colleges and universities as well as many other organizations.

SHEEN, (Ven.) Fulton J. (1895-1979)

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